Sedation in Pediatric Dental Care: What to Expect

Though many pediatric dental procedures can be completed using local anesthesia (such as an injection to numb the mouth around the site of the procedure), some types of treatments may require stronger anesthesia or sedation. If your child is particularly anxious or has special needs, they may be a good candidate for sedation dentistry as well. Your pediatric dentist can help you know which type of anesthesia will make your child most comfortable for their upcoming dental work.

Types of Sedation

There are a variety of sedation levels that can help your child feel more relaxed during their dental procedure. These include the following:

  • Nitrous oxide – commonly known as “laughing gas,” this mild sedative is mixed with oxygen and inhaled through the nose during the procedure. Your child remains awake but will be more relaxed throughout their visit. This safe and mild form of sedation is generally well-tolerated though it may make your child feel lightheaded or “spacey.”
  • Oral medications – oral sedation is usually best suited for older children and is administered through a pill that your child will swallow about 30 minutes prior to their procedure. Your child will remain awake during their dental work but may not remember much about it afterward.
  • IV sedation – this is the deepest type of sedation and is administered through a needle placed in the vein of your child’s arm or hand. Your child will be completely asleep during this process and may continue to feel drowsy for hours after the procedure is over.  

Benefits of Sedation in Pediatric Dental Care

Many children experience dental anxiety when it comes to dental procedures. Children with general anxiety conditions, autism, or special needs are especially prone to experiencing nervousness and fear when visiting the dentist. The use of sedation in these circumstances can help your child relax and relieve their pediatric dental anxiety. Some additional benefits of sedation include:

  • Relieving worries about experiencing pain – some children are afraid of experiencing pain during a dental procedure. The use of mild sedation such as nitrous oxide often helps to calm the child and reduce their feelings of fear.  
  • Less trauma after the procedure – since most forms of sedation will make it difficult for your child to remember everything that happened during their dental procedure, they are not as likely to feel traumatized once it is over. This can help them feel less fear when it comes time to visit the dentist again.
  • Helps children with anxiety, autism, or special needs – children who experience these conditions will especially benefit from sedation during dental procedures. Though some may do well with oral sedation, others will do best with IV sedation. Your pediatric dentist will help you decide which option is best.  
  • Provides a more comfortable experience – visiting a pediatric comfort dentist to take care of your child’s dental needs means you’ll be working with a provider who is compassionate, understanding, and knowledgeable about how to make your child’s visit easier. Their experience will allow them to guide you to making the best decisions for your child’s dental care.

Tips for Helping Your Child Prepare for Pediatric Dental Sedation

Most children will benefit from being prepared at home for their upcoming sedation. Below are a few tips to help you prep your child before their procedure.  

  • Give them the information step-by-step – your child may benefit from having their procedure broken into steps. Talk to them about what will take place during each step, so they will be prepared for their visit. This will help your child visualize what will take place and lessen their fear of the unknown.  
  • Talk to them about the type of sedation they will experience – helping your child understand sedation and how it will help them can further serve to reduce their anxiety. Explain which type of sedation they will receive and how it will help them relax during the procedure. You can also tell them how it will be administered and let them know they will be watched over by their dentist throughout their dental work.
  • Let your child ask questions – your child may have a lot of questions about what will happen during their visit and about the type of sedation they will receive. Do your best to answer their questions honestly, so they can gain the understanding that will provide them with comfort and the knowledge they need to feel confident about their procedure.

An excellent pediatric dentist serving New Albany and the surrounding Columbus area will help relieve your child’s dental anxiety and educate you on the best form of sedation for their upcoming procedure.

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A dentist demonstrates to a child patient a large dental model for educational purposes during a consultation.