What Can the Dentist Do for Your Baby?

Did you know the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends taking your child to the dentist before their first birthday? Though this may seem early, your baby’s first dental visit should come as soon as that first tooth emerges or at the very latest, by the time they turn one. This will help ensure that your baby’s gums are healthy and that their teeth are developing and erupting properly. A first visit to a pediatric dentist can also come if your child is struggling with teething issues and symptoms. Your dentist will be able to provide you with information regarding the safest and healthiest ways to ease your baby’s discomfort while their new teeth are emerging.  

What to Expect at Your Baby’s First Dental Visit

Though what happens during your appointment will be determined by your dentist, most first infant dental care visits include the following:

  • A discussion about your child’s oral health – This can include topics such as teething, pacifier use, thumb sucking, bottles, and new foods or liquids that you’ve introduced into your baby’s diet. You can also ask any questions you may have or discuss concerns regarding your baby's oral health at this time.
  • A gentle examination – Your baby’s dentist will look inside your child’s mouth to check for injuries or signs of decay or infection. They may also check the progress of any teeth that are in the process of erupting. This will help establish a baseline for their oral care and ensure that their gums and teeth are healthy.
  • Education regarding caring for your baby’s teeth – Your child’s dentist will take this opportunity to educate you regarding the best way to care for your baby’s emerging teeth. This will include toothbrushing techniques, fluoride use, flossing, gum care, and a talk about what types of foods and drinks you should avoid giving your child. Your dentist may also provide a demonstration on how to take care of your baby’s teeth and gums.
  • A check for any issues that may require early intervention – While the dentist is checking your baby’s oral health, they will also look for any conditions in the jaws, gums, teeth, and oral tissues that may require early care and intervention. Spotting potential problems while your child is still young can help prevent further issues or reduce the need for more drastic corrective measures as your baby gets older.    
  • A talk about early preventative measures - Your visit to the dentist will not only provide you with an update on your baby's current oral health, it will also give you tips on how to make sure your child's gums and teeth remain healthy and strong as they grow. In addition, your dentist can teach you how to spot the warning signs of cavities, infection, and other potential oral health problems.  

How to Make Your Baby’s First Visit a Success

Taking your baby to the dentist for the first time is a big experience for both you and your child. Follow the tips below to help make that experience a positive one!

  • Try to set the appointment around your baby’s schedule – No one knows your baby’s daily routine like you do! Keep that in mind when you pick the time of day for your first visit. Try not to schedule your appointment during meal or nap times so that your baby is comfortable and alert.
  • Have your child sit on your lap during the visit – Your baby will feel the safest and calmest if you hold them on your lap while the dentist examines them. This lets you provide them with both reassurance and comfort throughout their appointment.
  • Select a practice that has at least one dentist for babies – Choosing a pediatric dentist that specializes in working with babies and young children will help your visit go smoothly. It will also ensure you are working with a dentist that can answer questions that are specific to your baby’s age and needs.
  • Come prepared – It may be helpful to write down any questions or concerns you have prior to your appointment, so you don’t forget to ask them while you’re there. Bringing along your child’s favorite toy or blanket can also be beneficial in providing them with extra soothing and support throughout their visit.

Your baby’s first visit to the dentist is a big milestone and will help pave the way for their future oral health and habits. With that in mind, make sure you select a pediatric dentist serving New Albany and the surrounding Columbus area that is equipped to meet your child’s needs. Choose a provider who is compassionate, professional, and dedicated to your baby’s oral health. Finding the right pediatric dentist now will help your child maintain their oral health from their first baby tooth to their last and even beyond!

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A dentist demonstrates to a child patient a large dental model for educational purposes during a consultation.