Root canals get a bad rap, but they’re necessary for some diseased and damaged teeth, even for kids. If you’re uneasy about a pediatric root canal or unsure what to expect, here are a few things to help you understand the process.
A root canal, also called endodontic treatment, is a dental technique to repair the inside of your child’s tooth. This part of the tooth is called the pulp and is full of blood vessels, nerves, and tissue that fill the roots of each tooth.
Your child may need a root canal if the pulp tissue becomes infected or inflamed, the tooth is cracked or chipped, or your dentist has worked on the tooth too many times. This procedure can be done on both baby and adult teeth and can help save your child’s teeth.
Infected or damaged baby teeth that fall out or are pulled prematurely can cause other teeth to shift. New adult teeth may be crooked or cause bite problems that need to be corrected later.
You might have read online somewhere or heard on social media that root canals cause illness later in life, but this is not true. There is no sound research that links root canals to health conditions. Endodontic treatment for kids is safe and effective.
As much as 46.2% of kids worldwide have cavities in baby teeth, and 53.8% of kids have them in adult teeth. As many as 9.6% of kids have root canal treatment, making it a pretty common therapy. Pediatric root canals don’t cause pain and can even be done with sedation for stress-free treatment.
The root canal process takes a few steps. The first appointment usually involves an exam and some X-rays to find out what’s going on with your child’s tooth. Your dentist may send you home with some antibiotics to treat the infection and schedule you back in for the first appointment.
You may need sedation to keep your child comfortable, which could take some planning to confirm someone can be home with the child afterward for monitoring. During this appointment, your dentist will clean out the infected pulp and fill it with a temporary filling to keep it clean and sealed.
Your child will need to avoid chewy and sticky foods for two weeks until you return for the final appointment. At this time, your dentist will place a crown or artificial covering that matches the other teeth for a natural-looking finish.
The average root canal cost ranges from $300 to $1,000, depending on the tooth, the extent of disease or damage, and the type of dentist you see. Many families have insurance coverage that pays for most or a portion of the cost.
While it might seem like a lot of money, the expense is worth it. Some families ask to have the tooth pulled, but that may cause more problems for new adult teeth and may lead to braces or other orthodontics. Saving the child’s tooth now can help prevent future problems, saving you money in the long run.
Plus, needing a root canal means your child is likely to be in pain. Proper treatment can ease child tooth pain and help them feel healthy again, so they can eat, speak, and learn comfortably.
Getting a root canal doesn’t have to be scary for you or your child. Our team at Hines Little Smiles, Columbus pediatric dentist, has the expertise, technology, and fun atmosphere to help treat your child and make them feel comfortable at the same time. Book an appointment to learn how we can help.
Call 614-475-5439 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.